August/September 1998
Still getting ready to walk to school
August 25th 1998Monday Labor day weekend. We had a picnic the day before for the Studebaker Club so we were all a little tired. Duke behaved well with the 60 or so people that we had come that day and he did not spend a second in his cage. He stole the odd bratwurst but people were impressed with his good behavior. Here we relax by the camp fire.
September 7th 1998Jaime is bringing out a snack and of course "Donut Duke" can smell food a mile off. No she is not teasing him he just happened to join the picture at the last second.
September 7th 1998 - Snack timeSteven entertains us by the fire, either doing his "Bee Gee" impression of "Staying Alive" or a scene from Titanic "I AM THE KING OF THE WORLD". Duke looks on "What is he doing???"
September 7th 1998 - The entertainment!!
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