September To December 1998
I know that some of you will shudder when you think of this big hulk on your bed .... but try and move him once he is on, besides he is one of the kids and if the kids are on the bed why shouldn't he?
September 22 1998Here I am with Duke and Rebecca in the trailer while Steven drives the tractor. I am doing two of my favorite past-times, hanging out in the garden and smoking a good cigar!!
October 1998It almost looks like Gizmo is in Dukes mouth but no ... he is not the snack
November 19 1998We had a litter of kittens in September. 6 cats 2 dogs and 4 kids would be just too much. Sadly we gave away two of the kittens. Here are the two that we kept "Sosa" name after Chicago Cub Sammy Sosa and Peaches as he looks just like a Peach
September 22 1998
Steven, Duke and the kittensThis was the picture that we used for our Christmas card this year. This was taken on the Naperville River Walk.
Christmas Card Photo 1998We skip forward several months. The Mid West has had the heaviest snow in 20 years. This was Dukes first snow, we were actually in Zimbabwe visiting my family at the time. But 23 plus inches takes a long time to melt so it was still there by the time that we got back.
January the 11th 1999
sledding down our hill
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Email: MarkvanDev@StudebakerClubs.comAlso visit my Black Hawk Chapter Studebaker Drivers Club Page
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