Christmas Card Photo
December 2001
As of December 17th there was still no snow on the ground, in fact the temperature is sitting in the mid 40's. So there was no opportunity to take a picture and have our usual snowy scene. So here are the children and Duke filling the plastic Halloween pumpkin bag and the giant spider with leaves.
December 2001 - February 2002
Our Guardian waits for Santa by the front door
December 25, 2001
Duke Rebecca and Gizmo
December 2001
The first big snow came the last week of January 2002. The temperatures also dropped from a balmy 60 deg F. on the weekend to the teens during the week. The snow stayed around and the winter activities begun. Our little "bunny hill" provided hours of entertainment and the goal was to ride over the bridge. Most of the time they made it, this time Steven bailed off his just in time but the sled is in the frozen river ... he is looking for it here.
The first big Snow of 2002
Duke cannot leave the children alone outside and always has to be part of the fun.
Sledding across the river
February 2002
With the sled recovered it is time to take break
Resting on the bridge
February 2002
I came a little closer for a group shot, Rebecca was playing computer games inside so missed out on some of the fun!
Resting on the bridge
February 2002
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Email: MarkvanDev@StudebakerClubs.comAlso visit my Black Hawk Chapter Studebaker Drivers Club Page
© Copyright Mark van Deventer 2002, All Rights Reserved