February 2002
I love this picture so edited it for the first page. Duke loves to chase and eat snowballs. Here Jaime is making one for him while Melissa hangs Steven over the edge of the bridge.
Playing in the snow
February 2002
Duke and Jaime make snowballs
February 2002
Jaime makes them and Duke eats them
February 2002
Nothing quite like a big cold snowy kiss as thanks for the snowballs.
Duke thanks Jaime for the snack
with a big wet kiss! February 2002
This is what it looked like from the other side. I went around the to see what Jaime and Duke were up to .. . Steven is still being hung over the edge of the bridge as some sort of sibling torture!
Steven is rescued by Melissa
While Jaime and Duke make more snowballs
February 2002
Steven still is 1/2 way off the bridge ...
Jaime & Duke do not care
February 2002
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