July 2003
It has been quite a while since I have updated these pages .. bad of me I know .. It has been a tumultuous year. Well here are the excuses ..
My digital camera broke.
I lost my job of 15 years. Yup after 15 years of service to the same company I was called into the bosses office and told that there was no more cash to pay me. So with 2 weeks severance
I was told that was it.Well I still have not found employment comparable to what I had before so we are getting a little worried but I did get the camera repaired and here are some new pics!
The Dogs
We had Duchess spayed in January as she was approaching her first season. It was sad to do but Carrie insisted ... Her first birthday was celebrated in Feb and we had a little party.
Spring was one of the wettest on record and then June was a drought and now July 2003 has been one storm after another. Duchess is still full of energy and poor Duke is not sure how to handle it sometimes. She is so fit and agile that she runs rings around him nipping him as she darts around him.
We chase rabbits and have been sprayed by a skunk once ( real fun at 3:00 am!!) The fun goes on ... I hope I get a job soon so that we can hold on to it all.
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Email: MarkvanDev@StudebakerClubs.com
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