May / June 1998 Duke settles in
I bought a used rotor tiller and we set about making a vegetable garden. It was all staked out and part of the 14 yds of dirt was hauled over the river, Duke did his part to spread it..
May 25th Our first veggie gardenMay 25th 1998 the kids, Duke and Grandpa pose in the newly created garden. The kids all helped to plant the seeds and the tomato bushes.
Grandpa, the kids and DukeWe planted a tree for each child to commemorate our first summer in the house. Here Jaime and Duke pose next to her ash tree.
Jaime, Duke and a tree 5/25/98We often walk to the kids school which is about a 1/2 mile south of our house, they have a nice playground. We have the space but not the equipment yet. Here Gizmo and Duke wait while the kids play.
Duke and Gizmo 6/10/98Melissa, Jaime, Rebecca and Steven look back at me and the dogs from the jungle gym.
Kids in the Park 6/10/98The basement is the coolest spot Duke and Steven seen here cooling off after a hard day.
Tuckered out after a hard day
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