April / May 2002
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Spring is almost here and we have been teased with some nice weather but it does not seem to want to stay. Duchess has been with us for almost 3 weeks now and she is taking over. My little girl just wants to eat, sleep and play in an endless cycle.
Duke has accepted her, as if he really had a choice! She has made friends with the 2 cats and she loves old Gizmo to pieces as he is so close to her size.
Potty training is going OK ... but her nickname is "Puddles" and our shopping list always includes plenty paper towels and disinfectant spray cleaner!
By April 20th 2002 Duchess is up to 26 pounds from the 15 that she was just 18 days before. Tasks that seemed insurmountable when she first arrived as a "little" puppy are now accomplished with ease. The stairs to the 2nd floor looked like a mountain at first and now she hops up. Coming down also presented a problem as her long legs did not have the strength to support her body on the way down - now .... no problem.
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