April 2002
On April 3rd 2002 Duchess Arrived
On March 17th just before my birthday I got an email from Beth Blough, (Yashanti Giants). She had been on this site and emailed me that she had enjoyed my pictures and the history of Duke.
I emailed her back and thanked her for taking the time to write and innocently asked "Do you have any Irish Wolfhounds?"
March 18 2002
Beth Replied
Yes actually we have a 4 year old female named Montana (Sharalot's Montana Sunrise) we thought she champed but for her last 3 point major one of the dogs was dq'd and the points dropped to 2 so this summer we will finish her again. She is the proud mom of 4 pups 2 boys and 2 girls born Feb 15th.
We also kept a male (Carrick) from her last litter he is 20 months old and ready to show this spring. his brother is also down the street and another one in Sheboygan, The girls went as pets from the last liter so we don't see as much of them. Carrick was the star of the Parade this weekend in Cleveland Ohio where he is visiting for a few weeks with the breeder that we had gotten from Montana from and own the father of the pups we have now. He is a Champion and is specialed from time to time.
This breed is just such a joy daytime night time rain snow or sunshine they are sooo very much fun. We have giant schnauzers as well and one shih tzu that is 14 years old this April. it is quite the houseful but we love it and now the pups are even more fun at 4 weeks they are starting to play and bark and eat. it is such a delight to come home and see how much they grew regardless of weather we've be gone an hour a day or a weekend at this age you can watch them grow in their sleep!
March 18 2002
When I read PUPPIES .... born February 15th my ears pricked up, so I replied
We are looking at getting another Wolfhound as Dukes buddy, Gizmo, is getting up there in years, at 16 years old he does not like to play much anymore. Do you have any pups available?
March 18 - Beth Replies
We have 2 males and 2 females I think one female is spoken for and there has been some noise about one of the males for a show home but no one is committed to anyone yet.
Let me give you my AOL email as I hit the road tomorrow for a week and I will not have access to this email bethblough@aol.com or my cell phone feel free to call if I am not with a client then the phone is on if I am with a client then there is voice mail just leave a number where I can reach you.
Did I send you any pictures? I can if you'd like they are only 4 weeks old right now but I have a 22 month old full brother as this was a repeat breeding and I have pics of him as well.
Let me know
March 18 - I called Beth and then we spoke and talked about her dogs and got a good feeling. I had printed out the pictures and the puppies looked great and talking to Beth was reassuring, she breeds the dogs naturally and has a history of long lived dogs. I told her that I was interested in a female and we made an agreement that she would hold one for me and that when they were ready to leave home we would take a ride from Chicago to Green Bay Wisconsin to take a look at them - and maybe take one home with us.
That was the last I heard from her as she was going on a business trip for over a week. Then on April the 3rd I got this email from her which was dated April 2nd.
April 2nd 2002
It has been a wild two weeks. If you recall I was heading out east for a two week trip to end last Friday. well, Wednesday My husband admitted himself with chest pain to Bellin Hospital and By 8:30 PM he was having triple by pass surgery while I was flying home from NYC (I caught him just before he hit the OR) he is home now but it has put a change in our plans a bit. Linda Beluscak the women we bought Montana From and whose Male is the father of this litter is picking up all four puppies tomorrow and taking them back with her to Cleveland Ohio. She knows that one of the females is reserved for you and she is keeping the other one.
I cannot raise 6 week old puppies and take care of Kent at home until he is well enough to care for himself not to mention the blood thinners and sharp puppy teeth and adult IW tails are a lousy combination at this time.
I have enclosed a few pictures from the last week or so the pups should be ready to go home next weekend (the 15th). I am sure if she knew which puppy she wanted she could meet you as she passed through Chicago tomorrow but I am not sure she will pick her show female that quickly (thought they are both very even and in my mind equal which will make the choice only more difficult.
April 3rd 2002
On that morning I was reading my emails and saved this one until last as I could tell that there some pictures attached. No sooner had I looked at the pictures Beth called and said that the dogs were about to leave Green Bay and my girl could be dropped off on the way through Chicago. Wow .... I glowed like a new dad ...Trouble is I had not told Carrie that the plans were almost final. I had printed out the pictures and they were on the refrigerator for all to see. I joked "Well it is either another baby or a puppy ... honey" Carrie has learned by now that I soften the blows with a little jest, I also showed the pictures to any friends that visited and said "The Duchess of Naperville will be here soon". They all gave me a strange look ... kind of like I was nuts! Carrie would just shrug her shoulders.
Anyway I digress .. at 11:30 am on the morning of April 3rd I gave Beth directions to my office in downtown Chicago. We figured about 4 hours of travel time from Green Bay to Chicago. At lunch I went to rent a car as I did not know how my new baby would act on a train/bus ride home to Naperville. Luckily all my work was done when I got the call from Lynn that she was getting close. From my office on the 39th floor of the Chicago Stock Exchange building I could see their green minivan and talked them in like a control tower. After missing the right exit they finally made it.
I scurried downstairs like a new dad and joined them in the van and then we pulled into the car rental place and Lynn and her husband got the rental car dog proofed. We settled into the rental car and I lead the Beluscak's out of Chicago, they carried on down the 94 towards Indiana and I turned onto I 55 for the trip to Naperville.
First stop was the vet as Duchess did not have any shots yet, then home. Melissa met me first, she did not recognize the rental car so came out to see who it was. Her mouth fell open when she saw the bundle in my arms, she gently took her Rebecca was next and let out a joyous squeal. The girls and Duchess hurried to Jaime's room but Jaime was not there, I met her in the kitchen and motioned for her to come with me. She looked confused but could tell from my mischievous expression that something was up. I said nothing as we went to her room and by then Steven had joined us. All Jaime could say is "When are we going to tell mom?" .... fear filled us all!!
Just before 8:00 Carrie was just about to leave for her evening masters swimming and went to say goodbye to the kids and then our little secret was out. The worst that happened was that Carrie was late for swimming which of course she blamed us for!
So Duchess is now home at 6 1/2 weeks and 15.5 pounds she is smaller then Duke but by no means tiny. I bought a new cage for her and some toys. Now the task is to take care of my new baby . Here are the pictures.
The Dogs & Kids April 2002
Click on the picture for the Large Version
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