May 1998 - Duke settles in
This is May the 15th - Duke has been with us 2 weeks. We were warned that he would sleep a lot and he sure does. He seems to have grown every time he wakes up.
May 15 1998I suppose that we should not let him on the couch but he is our baby. He and Steven watch cartoons together
Sleeping like a babyThese two have really taken to each other, like all boys they play together, they fight together, they eat together though after a mishap with the pizza we are more cautious about Dukes ever present hunger.
Steven & Duke May 17 1998OK enough resting lets go play or eat.
Also May 17 "Play with me!"We have 3 acres of land and my wife wanted gardens. Our little lot in Chicago had just a few flowers but here we have room to do all sorts of things. We had 14 yds of good black dirt delivered. Jaime, Melissa and Rebecca decided to bury Steven in the fresh dirt. This was the first time that we saw how Duke can dig, it was amazing to watch. At least we have plenty of room for him to dig.
The kids, Duke & Dirt May 24th 1998After a hard day digging and being buried the boys curl up on a blanket on the dirt pile. You will see quite a few pictures of Steven and Duke sleeping together.
Tired after a hard day in the dirt
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