April 2000
This what 175 pounds of Wolfhound looks like when trying to blend in with the stairs. |
Just in case he blended in too well here is a close up the top stair. No that is not a Bear Skin Rug |
Now you've done it ... The beast has been awakened. |
Carrie does spoil us, but I never get hand fed so I suppose I should
feel a little jealous!!
In the background you can see the Zimbabwe flag on the wall. Also my Big 27 inch clock that I bought on eBay for $15. It is from 1936 and spent it's life out doors. It was in sad shape when I got it but all it took was some sand blasting, painting, rewiring to bring it back to life. I painted the original hands and the motor needed some TLC. I then designed a new face and we were in business. |
Feeding time at the Zoo our favorite is Bryers Ice Cream and of course Hershey Chocolate syrup. Here Carrie gives Duke some personal attention |
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