December 1999
I think the hardest part of having such a big dog is the need to hide food. It was funny going to my in-laws at Thanks Giving (We did not take Duke) as we have become so conscious of not leaving our "Big Boy" alone with any food out, I could just see that whole Turkey being eaten. We cannot leave anything out as he just cannot resist unattended food, many a pizza, cookie, meatloaf etc. have disappeared without a trace. At birthday parties we have to keep him out as he is a Stealth Feeder/Thief and with a quick swing of the head his long tongue can clear a table in a split second. |
I think that crotch sniffing is the Wolfhound genes too, no-one is safe. I have to make light of the situation before it occurs and warn visitors of his "friendly" greeting. Regulars to the house have come to expect the ritual and tolerate short sniff. |
Like me Duke likes to be acknowledged and likes to greet everyone who visits and even if we have been away for a short while he needs his hug and he in turn returns the love. In the mornings too he likes to be greeted and will not leave you alone until his head has been scratched and has been said good morning to. He will come and get me in the early hours of the morning when he needs to go out. I do not mind as I am a light sleeper and would rather let him out then clean up a wolfhound flood, he has learned that he can beat me back to bed and I will walk upstairs and he is resting comfortably with his head resting comfortably on my pillow - the sad part is my wife is none the wiser | |
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