The Starliner is the official publication of the Black Hawk Chapter, SDC, serving Studebaker, Avanti, and other Studebaker related vehicle owners in the Northeastern Illinois area. Reprinting of any articles contained herein is granted to any other SDC related organization provided The Starliner and appropriate author (s) are credited as the source. All items for publication must be received by the editor by the 20th of the month. Neither the club nor the editor is responsible for the accuracy or veracity of want-ads contained herein, although reasonable attempts are made to ensure accuracy in everything we publish.

The Starliner will be available to Black Hawk Chapter Members Only

Members will be given a link to

an Adobe Acrobat PDF file for the current issue

For a sample of the Starliner please click below

November - December 2023 Starliner

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Copyright The Black Hawk Chapter SDC 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003 All Rights Reserved